Cloth diapers with no electricity
So like my last post this one is related to hurricanes again, what else is new?
We had 2 back to back hurricanes and for the first one we were 7 days without electricity and this one going on 11 days and still counting.
Do you need to buy disposables in this situation? No of course you don't. Hand washing is easy and you don't need much water to do so.
Right now everything is scarce even disposable diapers and it's a relief I've got my cloth.
I had no water or electricity but since I have my water supply back I am handwashing. I wash every three diapers. As soon as I have three dirty ones I rinse them run water through and fill my sink with soap and water and swish them in it. I rinse and hang to dry.
We have been 11 days without electricity and we continue to cloth diaper.
I love my cloth and would have to be in a extremely dire situation to not cloth diaper. We have been cloth diapering for a year and haven't used disposable diapers since we started.
I hope this helps someone... Until the next one 😘😘
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