Potty training
Potty training is hard work! Or at least it is for most. With my oldest I had no trouble at all, he basically trained himself. He was fully potty trained at 18 months, no nighttime diapers either. My youngest has not been the same at all. She's 2 years old and shows no interest whatsoever. She's afraid of the big potty and screams bloody murder if I dare try to sit her on it. Same for the potty chair she has. She seems ready physically, we go out and she's fully dry until we come home, she sleeps all night without peeing even though she wakes multiple times to nurse still. So what so you do if your toddler doesn't want to train. Well nothing, you do nothing! She will eventually go to the potty, she will be ready at her own time. Just putting it out there. There's no timeline to potty training, if you don't do it by a certain time it doesn't mean they'll be in diapers forever. Enjoy ( as much as you can enjoy diapers) while they feel safe depending on ...